Ottawa Adult Soccer Club

OCSL Team Entry Policy

Team Entry Policy

  1. The OCSL team entry budget is generated by the OCSL Committee and approved by the Board of Directors.
  2. OCSL team entries for recreational and OT divisions must be submitted to the General Manager by April 1st. Each entry must include the following information
    • Team name
    • Team Manager
    • Team Manager contact information (email, phone #)
    • OCSL division requested
    • OCSL division in previous year
    • Field type requesting (standard grass field, lit grass field, turf field)
    • Ottawa Cup entry (if planning on entering)
  3. Each team must pay the following fees to the club on the following dates
    • April 1st – Entry fee for teams playing in recreational and old-timer divisions
    • Last Friday of April – All remaining fees.
    • Preferred payment method is Email Money Transfer however we will also accept cheques. We do not accept cash or credit cards.
  4. Any teams submitting payment past the due date will be subject to a late fee of $100 which will be due when payment is submitted.  Team fees not received by the due date will not be submitted to the league for entry.
  5. NSF cheques will be charged a $50 fee.  Teams will then be considered as missing the payment deadline and will be subject to the late fee of $100.
  6. Teams who owe fines from the previous season will be required to settle those fines prior to their application being submitted.
  7. Deposits are considered non-refundable.
  8. All fines and bonds received from the league, are the responsibility of the team.  Failure to pay fines and bonds will prevent your team from playing the following season until all monies have been collected.
  9. All club expenses incurred because of OCSL make up games will be passed onto the impacted team.
  10. All players must be registered on prior to registration with Ontario Soccer.